Friday, May 29, 2015

Juice #5 - Light Meal (Lettuce, Cucumber, Avocado, Chives, Garlic, Olive Oil, Onion, Salt, Vinegar) As substantial as a meal!

#5   Cucumber, Lettuce & Avocado

This juice is very substantial (maybe mostly because of the avocado?) and could substitute for a light meal. Also, its flavor gets really enhanced when you add a few ice cubes to it.

Juice #5
May 29, 2015
This recipe makes 3 cups (24 fl oz)        
Total Calories = 65.5, approximately
Calories per cup = 21.8

Cucumber, Lettuce & Avocado

• 3 large leaves of Hearts of Romaine Lettuce without their centers (1.13 oz) (5.63 Cal)
• ½ large Cucumber, peeled (5.15) (17.52 Cal)
• A small piece of Avocado (0.50 oz) (23.66 Cal)
• A very small piece of Sweet Onion (0.18 oz) (5.63 Cal)
• A small pinch of Garlic Paste
• ¼ tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil (10 Cal)
• 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar (3 Cal)
• A pinch of Salt
• A pinch of your favorite seasoning (today I used dried Chives Flakes)
• ¼ cup shredded Ice (or 2 cubes)*
• 2 cups of water
• 5-6 cubes of Ice

How to Prepare It
1. Wash the lettuce, discard the harder part in the middle of the leaves, tear the leaves and put them inside a small blender's cup (like the one in the picture).
2. Peel the cucumber, cut it in pieces and put them into the cup.
3. Cut a small piece from a small avocado, remove its skin, cut the skinless piece into smaller pieces and put them into the blender’s cup.
4. Add to the cup: the onion, garlic paste, olive oil, vinegar, salt, seasoning, ice and water.
5. Blend everything very well, for at least 1 minute.
6. Add the ice cubes to enhance the flavor of your juice.

*Note: The ice helps to better grind the ingredients.

Pepino, Alaface & Abacate

Este suco é muito substancial (talvez por causa do abacate?) e poderia substituir uma refeição ligeira. Para salientar o sabor deste suco, acrescente de 5 a 6 cubos de gelo.

Suco No 5
29 de maio de 2015
Esta receita faz 3 xícaras (709ml)
Calorias totais = 65.5, aproximadamente
Calorias por xícara = 21,8

Pepino, Alface & Abacate

 • 3 folhas grandes, centrais, de Alface Romana sem a parte do meio das folhas (32g) (5,63 Cal)
• ½ Pepino grande sem casca (146g) (17,52 Cal)
• Um pedaço pequeno de Abacate (15g) (23.66 Cal)
• Um pedaço bem pequeno de Cebola amarela (4g) (5,63 Cal)
• Uma pitada pequena de Pasta de Alho
• ¼ de colher de chá de Azeite de Oliva Extra Virgem (10 Cal)
• 1 colher de sopa de Vinagre de Maçã (3 Cal)
• Uma pitada de Sal
• Uma pitada do seu tempero favorito (hoje usei flocos secos de Cebolinha)
• ¼ xícara de gelo triturado (ou dois cubos de gelo)*
• 2 xícaras de água
• 5 a 6 cubos de Gelo

Como preparar
1. Lave a alface, remova a parte mais dura do interior das folhas, rasque as folhas em pedaços e coloque-os dentro do copo pequeno de liquidificador (como o da foto).
2. Descasque o pepino, corte-o em pedaços e acrescente-os ao copo do liquidificador.
3. Corte um pedaço pequeno de um abacate também pequeno, remova a casca, parta-o em pedaços menores e coloque dentro do copo do liquidificador.
4. Adicione: a cebola, a pasta de alho, o azeite de oliva, o vinagre, sal, tempero, o gelo triturado e a água.
5. Misture bem, por pelo menos 1 minuto.
6. Adicione os cubos de gelo para enriquecer o sabor do suco.

*Observação: O gelo ajuda a triturar melhor os ingredientes.


  1. Going to make this juice over the weekend and post another comment. I love avocado and green juices in general! By the way, fruit juices have so much sugar... I vote for green juices.

  2. Curious to know if you liked it or not! If you want it still less caloric, cut off the olive oil. The avocado is already oily, so I believe the recipe may even have a better consistence without the extra oil. The other advice: it should be very, very cold. For this juice, and for my taste, naturally, being cold is fundamental. You could enter your vote on the poll at the top of the page, so I don't forget to count it at the end. Thanks for the comment, and let me know how did you like the juice!

  3. I loved this juice! Refreshing, filling, and all the ingredients have the right measure, it's a perfect balance. I use chives also as my seasoning and one extra pinch of salt. I got three full cups out of it. I don't mind the calories from god fats like avocado and olive oil. That's what makes this juice so good and satisfying :-)

    1. Happy to know that you tried and loved it. Thanks for the feedback!


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